Friday, 19 October 2012

A click from the other part of the world

There's nothing better than having someone do your job (for free!), on account of which you end up collecting likes. Good old copy-paste! I bet someone from inland Croatia would call me a typical Dalmatian right now. You see, they think we're all lazy, and I say it's not laziness , it's just 'fjaka', and they're just jealous.  ;)
The word 'fjaka' could be explained as psycho-physical condition which occurs in perfect surroundings of coastal areas, where life feels so good it makes you want to lie down, enjoy the beauty, and not move a finger.
But back to my topic. This summer I had the pleasure of hosting my dear friends, Morana and Terii, with whom I not only spent incredible couple of days, but who have sent me these lovely photos, as well.

Thanks Morana Paj & Terii Bazley!   

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